
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, educators have been forced to adapt to a new normal of remote learning. This shift has posed a significant challenge for teachers seeking to maintain strong connections with their students and foster a sense of community within the virtual classroom. Education consultant Lainie Rowell emphasizes the critical importance of building a community of learners in this online environment. Rowell, an author and international speaker who works with the Orange County, Calif., Department of Education’s Institute for Leadership Development, believes that cultivating relationships is the key to successful remote learning.

The transition to remote learning has highlighted the need for educators to prioritize building strong relationships with their students. In a traditional classroom setting, face-to-face interactions help foster a sense of connection and belonging. However, in an online environment, where students and teachers are physically separated, it is essential for educators to find new ways to establish and maintain these connections. Rowell stresses the importance of creating a community of learners where students feel valued and engaged in their educational journey.

To help educators navigate this new landscape, Rowell and fellow educator Brianna Hodges host a podcast called “Lemonade Learning.” Drawing on their experiences and insights, they have identified five effective strategies for building a community of learners in an online setting. These strategies are designed to promote engagement, collaboration, and support among students, ultimately enhancing the learning experience for all.

###Engage Students in Norm-Setting

One key strategy for building a community of learners online is to involve students in setting norms and expectations for behavior in the virtual classroom. By actively engaging students in this process, teachers empower them to take ownership of the rules and guidelines that govern their interactions. Rowell emphasizes that when students have a voice in establishing these norms, they are more likely to adhere to them and help enforce them within the community. This collaborative approach not only promotes a sense of shared responsibility but also fosters a culture of respect and accountability among students.

###Use Get-to-Know Activities

In an online learning environment, it can be challenging for teachers to get to know their students on a personal level. However, Rowell believes that there is an opportunity to deepen these connections through virtual platforms. By leveraging tools like Flipgrid, teachers can encourage students to create short videos introducing themselves to the class. This asynchronous format allows students to showcase their creativity and personality without the pressure of immediate interaction. By being intentional about facilitating these get-to-know activities, teachers can help students feel more connected and invested in the learning community.

###Provide Frequent Opportunities for Discussion, Sharing, and Collaboration

Creating opportunities for students to engage in meaningful discussions, share their work, and collaborate with their peers is essential for building a strong community of learners online. Utilizing tools such as discussion boards, chats, and breakout rooms can facilitate class interactions and promote active participation. Rowell and Hodges emphasize the value of digital collaboration tools in enabling students to work together on projects and create new learning experiences. By encouraging peer-to-peer interaction and collaboration, teachers can foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual support within the online classroom.

###Be Generous with Your Teacher Presence

Maintaining a strong teacher presence is crucial for supporting students in their learning journey. Rowell emphasizes the importance of being present and accessible to students, particularly in an asynchronous online environment. By creating short, daily videos to welcome students or introduce new topics, teachers can establish a sense of connection and continuity in their virtual classroom. These videos serve as a personal touchpoint for students, helping them feel supported and engaged throughout their learning experience. By demonstrating care and attentiveness through regular communication, teachers can build trust and rapport with their students, ultimately enhancing the sense of community within the online classroom.

###Encourage Peer-to-Peer Support

Promoting peer-to-peer support is another effective strategy for building a community of learners online. By encouraging students to answer each other’s questions and collaborate on problem-solving, teachers can empower students to take an active role in their own learning. This approach not only fosters a sense of community and camaraderie but also helps students develop essential skills such as communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. Rowell highlights the benefits of peer-to-peer support in creating a more dynamic and interactive learning environment, where students learn from each other and take ownership of their education.

In conclusion, fostering a sense of community is essential for the success of remote learning. By implementing these five key strategies, educators can build a strong and supportive learning environment that promotes engagement, collaboration, and growth among students. Rowell and Hodges’ insights offer valuable guidance for teachers seeking to navigate the challenges of online education and create a positive and enriching experience for their students. By prioritizing relationships and community-building, educators can cultivate a sense of belonging and connection that enhances the learning journey for all.