
Tech Essentials for Media Specialists: Amplifying Student Voices Globally

In today’s educational landscape, educators are continuously striving to enhance their teaching methods by incorporating a wide array of tools and materials, catering to diverse learning styles, and empowering students to have a voice in their educational journey. At David C. Barrow Elementary School, a groundbreaking project has been implemented that encapsulates all these essential elements.

As the media specialist at the school, I spearheaded the creation of the annual “Barrow Peace Prize” project in collaboration with 2nd-grade classroom teachers and the art teacher. This unique project involves students from various second-grade sections nominating six individuals from civil rights history and determining the attributes that the ultimate winner must embody. Through research instruction that integrates numerous educational tech tools, students engage in the project to develop a nominee who could potentially win the prestigious Barrow Peace Prize. This recognition not only reverberates within the David C. Barrow student community but also garners votes from individuals worldwide, ultimately awarding the Barrow Peace Prize to the nominee with the highest number of votes.

Here are three essential tech tools that play a pivotal role in making the Barrow Peace Prize project a resounding success:

PebbleGo: Empowering Young Researchers

PebbleGo stands out as one of the primary databases utilized by students for research purposes. Specifically designed for students in grades K–2, PebbleGo offers a comprehensive repository of facts on a wide range of topics, organized into easily digestible sections under each category. This segmented approach enables young researchers to locate information efficiently. Moreover, PebbleGo features a read-aloud function, ensuring that all students can access the content regardless of their reading proficiency.

Flipgrid: Fostering Engaging Video Discussions

Flipgrid serves as the video discussion platform where students record videos of themselves reading their persuasive essays. These videos are then uploaded to a shared grid alongside submissions from other 2nd-grade students researching the same individual. Participants from across the globe have the opportunity to view these videos and vote for their preferred nominee. For students who may feel hesitant about public speaking in a traditional classroom setting, Flipgrid offers a comfortable alternative, allowing them to express their thoughts directly to an iPad. This platform empowers students to have their voices heard in a manner that may not have been possible within the confines of a classroom.

Tinkercad: Unleashing Creativity through 3D Design

Tinkercad serves as the go-to 3D design and printing application for designing the Barrow Peace Prize. A select group of students is tasked with designing the trophy that each student who researched the winning nominee will receive. I guide these students through the process of using the program, providing troubleshooting tips as needed to facilitate their design process.

By leveraging these innovative tech tools, the Barrow Peace Prize project not only fosters global student engagement but also amplifies individual strengths and talents. Whether students excel in persuasive writing, public speaking, or research, every participant has a unique role to play in the project, regardless of their educational background or program enrollment. This inclusive approach ensures that every student’s voice is heard and valued, transcending geographical boundaries to reach a global audience.

In conclusion, the Barrow Peace Prize project exemplifies the transformative impact of integrating technology into educational initiatives. By providing students with the tools and platforms to showcase their abilities and perspectives on a global scale, educators can empower the next generation of leaders and change-makers. Through collaborative efforts and innovative use of tech resources, schools like David C. Barrow Elementary are setting a benchmark for promoting student voice and fostering a culture of inclusivity and creativity in education.