
Improving School Board Effectiveness: Key Factors for Success

As high-profile political races capture the public’s attention over the next several months, it is important not to overlook the significance of local school board elections. These races may not receive as much media coverage as national elections, but they have a direct impact on the quality of education in our communities.

Many voters find themselves unfamiliar with the candidates running for their local school board, as they rarely attend board meetings or have a clear understanding of the role of a school board. Despite the lack of public awareness, school boards play a crucial role in shaping the education system and addressing the challenges facing schools today.

Unfortunately, news stories about school boards often focus on discord and controversy, rather than the positive impact effective governance can have on student success. Recent events, such as recall votes, curriculum disputes, and heated board meetings, have highlighted the political tensions that can arise within school boards.

Now is an opportune time to shed light on the important work that school boards do and the key factors that contribute to their effectiveness. By examining successful examples from districts like Napa Valley and San José Unified, we can identify strategies that other governing teams can adopt to improve their performance.

Commit to Shared Priorities

One of the key factors that contribute to the success of school boards in districts like Napa Valley and San José Unified is their commitment to shared priorities. In the face of numerous challenges, including the impact of the pandemic, educator shortages, and financial constraints, these districts have maintained a clear focus on their mission, vision, and values. By aligning their work around a common purpose, school boards can ensure that their efforts are coordinated and effective.

Establish and Embrace Norms for Behavior

In addition to shared priorities, successful school boards also embrace norms for behavior that guide their interactions and decision-making processes. By treating each other with respect, clarifying their roles, and committing to transparency, governing teams can create a culture of collaboration and accountability. These norms help school boards navigate disagreements constructively and model behavior that promotes a positive learning environment for students.

Invest in Early and Recurring Onboarding Experiences

With changes in board composition following elections, it is important for newly elected trustees to undergo thorough onboarding processes to ensure continuity and effectiveness. In districts like Napa Valley and San José Unified, trustees participate in district-specific onboarding programs that include meetings with key stakeholders and workshops facilitated by the California School Boards Association. These experiences help new board members establish relationships, clarify their roles, and set the stage for collaborative decision-making.

Lean on Internal Commitments to Navigate Challenges

During times of crisis or controversy, strong internal commitments can help school boards navigate challenges and maintain their focus on student success. By upholding their shared priorities and norms, governing teams can weather difficult decisions and emerge stronger as a result. The experiences of districts like Napa Valley and San José Unified demonstrate the importance of having a clear sense of purpose and a commitment to working together in the face of adversity.

Building Awareness and Fostering Understanding

As voters prepare to elect their representatives to local school boards, it is essential to educate the community about the role of school boards and the impact of effective governance. By fostering understanding and equipping voters with the information they need to make informed decisions, we can cultivate governing bodies that prioritize problem-solving, compromise, and student needs above all else.

In Conclusion

The success of school boards in districts like Napa Valley and San José Unified serves as a model for effective governance and collaboration. By committing to shared priorities, embracing norms for behavior, investing in onboarding experiences, and leaning on internal commitments during challenging times, school boards can enhance their impact on student achievement and create a positive learning environment for all students.

As voters prepare to cast their ballots in local school board elections, it is important to consider the qualities and characteristics that contribute to effective governance. By supporting candidates who prioritize problem-solving, collaboration, and student success, we can ensure that our school boards are equipped to address the complex challenges facing education today.