
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, educators have faced the unprecedented challenge of transitioning to remote learning. One of the central questions that has emerged is how to build a strong sense of community among students and teachers in a virtual environment. Lainie Rowell, an education consultant and expert in professional development, emphasizes the critical role that building a community of learners plays in ensuring student success.

Rowell stresses the importance of relationships as the foundation of learning. When students feel connected to their teacher and their peers, they are more likely to thrive academically. In an online learning environment where face-to-face interactions are limited, cultivating a sense of community becomes even more essential for fostering engagement and participation.

To address this challenge, Rowell offers five effective strategies for building a community of learners online. These strategies are based on her insights shared in the podcast “Lemonade Learning,” which she co-hosts with fellow educator and consultant Brianna Hodges. Let’s explore these strategies in more detail:

Engage students in norm-setting

Just as in a traditional classroom setting, teachers need to establish ground rules for acceptable behavior in online learning. Rowell emphasizes the importance of involving students in the process of setting norms, as it helps them take ownership of the rules and encourages compliance. By actively engaging students in norm-setting, teachers can promote a sense of community and shared responsibility within the virtual classroom.

Use get-to-know activities

Building a community of learners online requires intentional efforts to foster connections among students. Rowell suggests using activities that allow students to introduce themselves and share more about their interests and backgrounds. Platforms like Flipgrid can be utilized to create short videos where students can showcase their personalities and engage with their peers in a creative and interactive way. By incorporating get-to-know activities, teachers can help students feel more connected and valued within the online learning environment.

Provide frequent opportunities for discussion, sharing, and collaboration

Facilitating class discussions and collaborative activities is essential for building a sense of community online. Teachers can utilize discussion boards, chats, breakout rooms, and other digital tools to encourage student participation and interaction. By creating opportunities for students to share their work, provide feedback to their peers, and collaborate on projects, teachers can foster a culture of active engagement and mutual support within the virtual classroom.

In addition to these strategies, Rowell emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong teacher presence in the online learning environment. Students need to feel supported and connected to their teachers throughout their learning journey. By sending regular emails, making phone calls to students in need of intervention, and creating daily videos to welcome students and introduce new topics, teachers can establish a sense of presence and accessibility that helps students feel more engaged and supported.

Furthermore, encouraging peer-to-peer support is another effective way to build a community of learners online. By creating opportunities for students to answer each other’s questions and collaborate on solving problems, teachers can empower students to take an active role in their own learning. This not only strengthens the sense of community within the virtual classroom but also helps students develop essential skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.

In conclusion, building a community of learners online requires intentional effort, creativity, and a strong commitment to fostering relationships among students and teachers. By implementing the strategies outlined by Lainie Rowell, educators can create a supportive and engaging learning environment that promotes academic success and student well-being in the digital age.