
The future of education is constantly evolving, with innovative preschool programs making a significant impact on children’s development. While there are numerous programs and policies competing for funding, universal preschool stands out as a worthwhile investment for policymakers. Nobel laureate James Heckman and his colleagues recently published a report highlighting the long-term benefits of high-quality early childhood programs, particularly for disadvantaged children and their families in North Carolina.

According to their research, the financial impact of these programs is substantial, with a 13 percent annual rate of return. This return includes factors such as increased labor incomes for participants, improved health and quality of life, reduced crime rates, enhanced education outcomes, and even higher labor incomes for participants’ mothers through subsidized childcare. Heckman and his colleagues make a compelling case for investing in preschool, showcasing its strong financial sense.

Despite the clear benefits of preschool programs, the high costs remain a significant barrier for policymakers. Traditional preschool programs can cost upwards of $18,514 per student per year, making it challenging for states to allocate funding. However, innovative solutions like online preschools are emerging as cost-effective alternatives. One such program is Upstart, developed in Utah in 2008 by the Waterford Institute.

Upstart offers four-year-olds an in-home online curriculum, requiring just 15 minutes of daily engagement with adaptive lessons, digital books, songs, and activities focused on reading, mathematics, and science. Each student and their caregiver receive training at the program’s onset, with ongoing support from a personal care representative who monitors the child’s progress. Additionally, Waterford provides parents with resources, technical assistance, and even hardware and internet connectivity if needed.

The results of Upstart have been impressive, with students demonstrating strong gains in early literacy that surpass those of traditional preschool students. As these students progress through their early school years, they consistently outperform their peers on state exams. Notably, special education students, low-income students, and English learners show the most significant gains compared to their counterparts.

With a cost of just $725 per student, Upstart presents a viable solution for states lacking universal preschool programs. The program’s success highlights the potential of online learning to expand educational opportunities at a fraction of the cost. While parents may lack the expertise to teach early literacy and numeracy, online programs like Upstart bridge the gap, delivering high-quality instruction to ensure children start school on solid footing.

While online preschool programs offer valuable educational opportunities, they are not without limitations. These programs cannot replicate the social interactions and peer learning experiences of traditional preschool settings. Research indicates that the quality of preschool education depends heavily on the training and experience of teachers. However, for parents unable to afford private preschool or access state-funded options, online programs provide essential early learning opportunities.

In addition to Upstart, there are several other online preschool programs available to parents seeking affordable educational resources for their children. Platforms like, Time4Learning, Embark by K12 Inc., and various educational apps offer engaging activities to develop early academic skills. These resources help children recognize letters and numbers, cultivate a love for reading, math, science, and problem-solving, and prepare them for future academic success.

While online preschool programs may not fully replicate the traditional classroom experience, they serve as valuable tools for parents seeking to enhance their children’s early development. By combining parental support with high-quality instruction, these programs offer a comprehensive approach to early learning. As technology continues to advance, online preschools are likely to play an increasingly prominent role in the education landscape, providing accessible and effective learning opportunities for young children.