National Report Card Reveals COVID and Pre-COVID Trends in Reading and Math Scores
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), mandated by Congress, recently unveiled the latest data for the Nation’s Report Card. Established in 1969, NAEP conducts the largest nationally representative test of student learning, evaluating students in fourth and eighth grades every two years.
Students Steadfast in Math or Making Progress
In the realm of fourth-grade math, the average scores saw a slight increase in 2024 compared to 2022, indicating a halt to the pandemic-induced decline. Notably, white, Black, Hispanic, and economically disadvantaged students all demonstrated modest improvements.
Lisa Ashe, a math consultant with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and a member of the National Assessment Governing Board, emphasized the positive trend, stating, “In fourth grade, it seems that, regardless of where students were, they were improving.” However, despite these gains, fourth-grade math scores remained below pre-pandemic 2019 levels, with only Alabama showing a notable increase.
The stagnation in math performance, which preceded the pandemic, has education researchers puzzled. Dan Goldhaber from the University of Washington expressed uncertainty, calling the situation “the multitrillion-dollar question.” Factors like the phasing out of No Child Left Behind requirements and societal changes, such as increased screen time and decreased enjoyment of reading among students, could be contributing to the prolonged math score decline.
Eighth-grade math scores, on the other hand, remained stable in 2024 compared to 2022 but remained below pre-pandemic levels. Of concern was the widening achievement gap, with high-performing students improving while low-performing students regressed.
Reading Scores Paint a Bleak Picture
In contrast to math, reading scores paint a bleak picture, especially for fourth-graders. Scores continued to decline in 2024, with only Louisiana surpassing 2019 levels. The downward trend in reading scores began around 2015, indicating a systemic issue predating the pandemic.
Eighth-grade reading scores also saw a decline in 2024, with a significant number of students falling below NAEP’s basic standard. Peggy Carr, commissioner for the National Center for Education Statistics, highlighted the historical drop in reading scores, signaling a critical need for intervention.
Poverty and Performance Nexus
The latest NAEP results underscore the deep-rooted connection between poverty and academic performance. Students in the lowest socioeconomic status category consistently lagged behind their wealthier counterparts in both math and reading proficiency.
While some districts, such as Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and San Diego Unified School District, demonstrated progress in math performance among economically disadvantaged students, the broader data reaffirmed the unequal impact of poverty on academic achievement.
Chronic Absenteeism Hinders Learning
The issue of chronic absenteeism emerged as a significant barrier to learning, as lower-performing students were more likely to report missing school. Hedy Chang from Attendance Works highlighted the detrimental effects of absenteeism on academic, social, and executive functioning.
As districts strive to address chronic absenteeism, Chang recommended a targeted approach focusing on students facing the most significant hurdles, gradually dismantling barriers to consistent attendance and academic success.
In conclusion, the latest NAEP report offers a multifaceted view of educational trends, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions to address the widening achievement gap, combat declining reading scores, and mitigate the impact of chronic absenteeism on student learning and achievement.