
Boosting STEM Professional Development: Strategies for Success

In an effort to enhance STEM education in Charlotte County Public Schools (CCPS), all 10 elementary schools have incorporated STEM labs into their curriculum. Starting as early as kindergarten, students are exposed to hands-on learning experiences and encouraged to explore potential careers in STEM fields. Despite these efforts, fifth graders in the district faced challenges with the Florida Statewide Science Assessment, highlighting the need for improved professional development for teachers and a more consistent STEM curriculum across all elementary schools.

Seeking to address these issues, CCPS applied for a Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) grant from the Florida Department of Education and was successful in securing funding for the “STEM Education Enhancement (SEE) for Student Success!” project in 2015-16.

Train-the-Trainer Model: Empowering Educators for STEM Success

As part of the SEE project, STEM lab teachers from each elementary school participated in a train-the-trainer model of professional development. This comprehensive program consisted of nine full days of training spread throughout the school year. In addition to the training sessions, all 10 teachers were provided with access to STEMscopes™, an online STEM curriculum, and hands-on exploration kits to support their instructional efforts.

The MSP grant project proved to be a valuable investment in the professional growth of teachers, enhancing their instructional capabilities and boosting their confidence in delivering quality STEM education in both the labs and classrooms.

Lessons Learned: Strategies for Enhancing STEM PD

Through the implementation of the MSP grant project, CCPS identified four key strategies that not only benefited their teachers but could also be valuable for other schools looking to improve the content knowledge and teaching skills of their STEM educators.

1. Empower Teachers with a Voice in Professional Development

One of the critical lessons learned by CCPS was the importance of giving teachers a say in their professional development. By allowing educators to have a voice in the planning and decision-making process, teachers felt more empowered and engaged in the training sessions. Throughout the nine PD sessions, teachers actively participated in discussions to determine which science standards should be included in their upcoming training, ensuring that the content was tailored to their specific needs and priorities.

2. Foster Collaboration and Community Among Educators

The nine days of on-site PD not only provided teachers with valuable training but also fostered a strong sense of community among STEM lab teachers. The collaborative environment encouraged the sharing of ideas and materials, both during the training sessions and online between sessions. This collaboration not only energized teachers but also equipped them to return to their schools and train their peers on the knowledge and skills acquired during the PD sessions.

3. Deepen Understanding of Standards Through Hands-On Learning

A primary goal of the MSP grant project was to help teachers develop a deeper understanding of the Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for Science. Within each PD session, trainers led teachers through a frank discussion of the standards, helping them uncover misconceptions and identify key components of each standard at different grade levels. By engaging in hands-on lessons from the online curriculum, teachers were able to see firsthand how to effectively teach and engage students in STEM concepts.

4. Model Effective Instructional Strategies for STEM Learning

In addition to enhancing content knowledge, CCPS aimed to expand teachers’ use of inquiry-based instructional strategies, such as the 5E model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate). By modeling this approach throughout the PD sessions, trainers provided teachers with valuable insights into the effectiveness of this instructional strategy and helped them become more comfortable implementing it in their own classrooms.

Measuring Success: Impact on Teacher Effectiveness and Student Achievement

An evaluation of the MSP grant project conducted by Dr. Laura Frost of Florida Gulf Coast University revealed positive outcomes for teachers and students alike. Teachers reported improvements in their knowledge and skills in STEM, as reflected in the results of the “Science Teacher Efficacy Belief Instrument (STEBI)” survey. Additionally, teacher buy-in and excitement were evident in various ways, from presentations to colleagues to increased usage of online STEM resources.

In terms of student achievement, CCPS saw a modest increase in the proficiency rate on the Florida Statewide Science Assessment among fifth graders following the implementation of the MSP grant project. This improvement, coupled with teachers’ enhanced expertise in standards-based learning and inquiry-based strategies, bodes well for the long-term impact on student success in STEM education.

Conclusion: Empowering Educators for STEM Excellence

The success of the MSP grant project in CCPS underscores the importance of investing in professional development for STEM educators. By empowering teachers with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to deliver high-quality STEM education, schools can make a significant impact on student achievement and enthusiasm for STEM learning.

As schools across the country strive to boost STEM education, the strategies employed by CCPS serve as a valuable blueprint for enhancing teacher effectiveness and student success in STEM fields. By prioritizing collaboration, hands-on learning, and teacher empowerment, schools can create a supportive environment where educators thrive and students excel in STEM education.