
Making Educational Travel Accessible: Essential Tips for Students

Educational travel is a valuable experience for students, offering them the opportunity to learn about different cultures, histories, and perspectives outside of the classroom. However, the cost of travel can often be a barrier for many students, regardless of their family income. In order to make educational travel accessible to all students, it is essential to set up a structure for fundraising and planning. Carrie A. Olson, PhD, researcher and teacher at West Leadership Academy, Denver Public Schools, along with Carylann Assante, CAE, executive director of SYTA and the SYTA Youth Foundation, recently presented tips on how to plan for educational travel and make it attainable for all students.

Look beyond base prices
When planning a trip for students, it is important to consider all costs involved beyond the base prices provided by travel companies. Expenses such as insurance, tip money, optional excursions, and other incidentals should be factored into the total budget. By planning backwards with the available funds and deadlines in mind, educators can ensure that they have enough time to raise the necessary funds for the trip.

Create checkpoints
Establishing checkpoints along the fundraising journey can help keep everyone involved on track. Mentors, such as community members or teachers, can provide support to students in their fundraising efforts and check in with them regularly to address any issues that may arise. By breaking down the fundraising process into manageable steps, students can track their progress and stay motivated to reach their goal.

Hold meetings for families
Hosting regular monthly meetings for families can help keep everyone informed and engaged in the fundraising process. By providing a schedule of meetings at the beginning of the year, educators can ensure that families are aware of the fundraising timeline and expectations. At Olson’s school, teachers introduced families to each other during these meetings, fostering a sense of community and encouraging collaboration in fundraising efforts.

Provide “exit tickets”
To ensure that families are well-informed about the details of educational travel, educators can create an information packet to review at the first meeting. At the end of the packet, families can fill out an “exit ticket” to indicate if they need further information or wish to be contacted privately. This allows for personalized support and ensures that all families are included in the communication process.

Create fundraisers that align with your school
Engaging in creative fundraising activities can help generate excitement and support for educational travel. Educators can explore a variety of fundraising options, such as school dances, concessions sales, and holiday grams, to involve families in the process. Hosting events like breakfasts and “happy hours” for potential donors can also provide students with opportunities to share their travel aspirations and seek financial support from the community.

Consider focus groups
Before initiating a fundraiser, it is important to gather relevant information, such as approved vendors, contracts, and potential conflicts with other fundraising activities at the school. Creating a focus group can provide a platform for families to contribute fundraising ideas outside of regular meetings. Assigning a specific person to oversee each fundraiser can help streamline the planning process and ensure effective coordination with families.

By implementing these essential tips, educators can make educational travel accessible to all students. Through thoughtful planning, creative fundraising efforts, and ongoing communication with families, students can embark on transformative travel experiences that enrich their learning and broaden their horizons.

About the Presenters:
Carrie A. Olson, PhD, is a dedicated educator at West Leadership Academy in Denver Public Schools, where she teaches social studies to students from diverse backgrounds. With a passion for providing equity in educational travel, Dr. Olson has led over 800 students on educational trips to Washington, DC and Europe. Her commitment to supporting students’ travel aspirations has made a lasting impact on their educational experiences.

Carylann Assante, CAE, brings over 30 years of experience in the tourism and association industry to her role as the Executive Director of the Student & Youth Travel Association. As the leader of the SYTA Youth Foundation, Carylann works to provide scholarships and educational opportunities for students facing financial and personal challenges. Her dedication to promoting student and youth travel worldwide has helped make educational travel accessible to a diverse range of students.

Join the Community:
Teach & Travel is a valuable resource for educators seeking to enhance their students’ learning through travel experiences. By joining this professional learning community, educators can access support, guidance, and practical advice on organizing and conducting tours for student groups. Engaging with the Teach & Travel community can help educators create meaningful and impactful travel experiences for their students.

In conclusion, by following these essential tips and leveraging the expertise of experienced educators and industry professionals, schools can make educational travel accessible to all students. Through strategic planning, effective fundraising, and community engagement, students can benefit from the transformative power of travel and expand their educational horizons.