
Schools across the country are constantly striving to find ways to reduce absenteeism and improve student engagement. As families have more school choices than ever before, it is crucial for schools to focus on creating a welcoming environment that fosters positive relationships with students and their families. By implementing strategies that prioritize clear communication, family engagement, and community involvement, schools can make a significant impact on student attendance and performance.

Creating a Family-Friendly Environment

One of the most effective ways to improve attendance and engagement is by creating a family-friendly environment within the school. Families should feel comfortable and welcomed when they visit the school, whether it’s for a tour, meeting with teachers, or attending school events. This includes providing convenient parking, clear signage, a clean and inviting atmosphere, and helpful front office staff. Schools can also ensure that materials are translated into languages spoken by families within the community and that information about family engagement activities and opportunities is readily available.

To go above and beyond in creating a welcoming environment, schools can take proactive steps such as advertising principal office hours for parents to stop by, organizing meet-and-greet events for families, and actively recruiting families to participate in decision-making processes. By making families feel valued and included, schools can build strong relationships that support student success.

Enhancing Family Engagement with Clear Communication

Effective communication is key to building strong relationships with families and improving student outcomes. Teachers can make a positive impression by reaching out to families before the school year starts, whether it’s through a phone call, postcard, email, or letter. By providing families with information about their child’s teacher and how to contact them, teachers can establish a foundation of trust and open communication.

Transparent and honest communication is essential for building trust with families. Schools should prioritize communication that is linked to student learning, including sharing progress data, testing schedules, and strategies for home support. By engaging in meaningful conversations with families, schools can create a partnership that supports student success.

Expanding Engagement Access for All Families

In order to truly engage all families, schools must go beyond traditional measures of attendance at school events. Instead of focusing solely on families who are able to attend events, schools should reach out to families who are unable to attend and provide them with information about what they missed. By building trust with families and opening new lines of communication, schools can expand engagement opportunities and create a more inclusive environment for all families.

To go the extra mile in expanding engagement access, schools can adjust opportunities based on feedback from families, leverage nonclassroom staff to facilitate make-up sessions for families who were unable to attend events, and encourage teachers to share insights with their grade-level teams. By prioritizing engagement with all families, schools can create a more supportive community that fosters student success.

Fostering Stronger Communities for Student Success

Building strong relationships with families is crucial for creating a supportive community that fosters student success. By prioritizing clear communication, family engagement, and community involvement, schools can make a significant impact on student attendance and performance. Efforts to create a welcoming environment, enhance family engagement, and expand access for all families can enable schools to build stronger, more supportive communities that benefit all students. Let’s make this school year the best one yet by going the extra mile for our families.