
Ellucian, a cloud-based software provider for higher education institutions, has successfully leveraged the power of Docebo Learn Data to enhance their strategic decision-making processes. With over 3000 employees, Ellucian generates a vast amount of data that is crucial for their business operations. However, accessing and integrating this data, particularly learning data from the Docebo Learning Platform, was a challenge for the company.

The Challenge of Accessing Learning Data
As an enterprise software provider, Ellucian needed to combine learning data from Docebo with information from other sources like Salesforce to create customized reports for various departments. Shawn Dinnocenti, the Learning Technology Administrator at Ellucian, had to manually pull information from Docebo and merge it with other data sources to generate reports for teams and departments. This process was time-consuming and inefficient, limiting the company’s ability to make data-driven decisions.

The Solution: Centralizing Data with Docebo Learn Data
To streamline their data integration process, Ellucian adopted Docebo Learn Data powered by Snowflake data warehouse technology. This enabled them to centralize all their learning data in their existing Business Intelligence (BI) system, creating a single repository for data from multiple sources. By leveraging this centralized data, Ellucian was able to create custom reports and visualizations within Snowflake, allowing different business units to access and analyze the data instantly.

The Benefits of Centralized Data
By centralizing their learning data with Docebo Learn Data, Ellucian gained valuable insights that drove their business decision-making processes. The ability to combine learning data with insights from other platforms like Gainsight and Salesforce provided a comprehensive view of their operations. This enhanced visibility allowed Ellucian to track revenue trends, identify profitable courses, and optimize their Return on Investment (ROI) from Docebo.

Furthermore, the automated generation and sharing of reports saved significant time for Shawn Dinnocenti, enabling her to focus on more strategic aspects of her role. With over 130 hours saved annually, Ellucian was able to enhance their operational efficiency and allocate resources more effectively. As they continue to evolve their usage of Learn Data, Ellucian is excited about the potential to correlate more data and achieve even greater results in the future.

The Impact of Docebo Learn Data on Decision Making
By harnessing the power of Docebo Learn Data, Ellucian has transformed the way they leverage data for strategic decision-making. The centralized data repository has enabled them to blend and enrich data from multiple sources, leading to more informed and data-driven decisions. With visual reports and dashboards that provide a comprehensive view of their operations, Ellucian can now make informed decisions that drive business growth and success.

In conclusion, the partnership between Ellucian and Docebo has proven to be instrumental in empowering the company with powerful L&D data insights. By centralizing their data and leveraging the capabilities of Docebo Learn Data, Ellucian has been able to save time, enhance decision-making processes, and drive business success. As they continue to explore the full potential of Learn Data, Ellucian is poised to achieve even greater results in the future.