
Tips for Affordable Educational Travel: Making Learning Accessible for Students

Affordable educational travel is a great way to enrich students’ learning experiences outside the classroom. However, making it accessible for all students, regardless of their family income, requires careful planning and fundraising efforts. In a recent presentation by Carrie A. Olson, PhD, and Carylann Assante, CAE, experts shared valuable tips on how to make educational travel attainable for all students.

Look Beyond Base Prices
When planning a trip for your students, it’s essential to look beyond the base prices provided by travel companies. Consider additional costs such as insurance, tip money, optional excursions, and more. Plan backwards with your budget to determine how much money is needed and set clear deadlines for fundraising efforts.

Create Checkpoints
Establishing checkpoints along the way leading up to the trip can help keep everyone involved on track. Mentors, such as community members or teachers, can assist students with fundraising and provide support when needed. Regular check-ins ensure that fundraising goals are being met in a timely manner.

Hold Meetings for Families
Organizing monthly meetings for families and providing a schedule at the beginning of the year can help keep everyone informed and engaged. These meetings serve as an opportunity for teachers to introduce families to each other, fostering a sense of community and collaboration in fundraising efforts.

Provide “Exit Tickets”
Offering an information packet at the first meeting with details about educational travel can help families understand the process. At the end of the packet, families can fill out an “exit ticket” to indicate if they need to leave early or require additional information privately. This ensures that all participants are informed and have the opportunity to ask questions or share concerns.

Create Fundraisers That Benefit Your School
Get creative with fundraising ideas that appeal to your school community. Consider hosting events like school dances, selling concessions, offering home-cooked meals to staff, or selling holiday grams. Engage students in fundraising efforts by hosting breakfasts or “happy hours” for potential donors, where students can explain why they want to participate in educational travel.

Consider Focus Groups
Before initiating a fundraiser, gather information about approved vendors, necessary contracts, and other ongoing fundraisers at the school. Establish focus groups where families can contribute fundraising ideas outside of regular meetings. Assign a responsible person to oversee each fundraiser to ensure accountability and progress.

According to Dr. Olson, thorough planning and attention to detail are key to making educational travel accessible for all students. By investing time and effort into the initial trips, future travel opportunities become more manageable and successful.

About the Presenters
Carrie A. Olson, PhD, is a dedicated teacher at West Leadership Academy in Denver Public Schools, with a passion for providing equity in educational travel for students. Dr. Olson’s extensive experience in teaching and organizing student trips has helped over 800 students explore new learning opportunities through travel.

Carylann Assante, CAE, brings over 30 years of experience in the tourism industry and serves as the Executive Director of the Student & Youth Travel Association. Through her work with the SYTA Youth Foundation, Carylann provides scholarships and educational experiences for students facing financial hardship.

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Teach & Travel is a valuable resource for educators looking to enhance student learning through travel experiences. This free professional learning community offers insights on the benefits of student travel and practical tips for organizing successful tours for student groups.

By following these tips and best practices, educators can make educational travel accessible to all students, enriching their learning experiences and broadening their horizons beyond the classroom. Through careful planning, fundraising efforts, and community collaboration, educational travel can become a reality for every student, regardless of their background or financial situation.