
Virtual Inclusion: Transforming Education for All Students in Anne Arundel County Public Schools

In today’s educational landscape, the one-size-fits-all approach to learning is becoming a thing of the past. Forward-thinking school leaders understand that harnessing the power of innovative learning technology can help all students thrive, even those who are homebound due to chronic illness.

In Maryland’s Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS), a dedicated team of educators embarked on a mission to provide telepresence robots for sick and homebound students after being inspired by a demonstration at a conference. By embracing virtual inclusion, they aimed to enhance the engagement of homebound students in both their academic studies and social interactions within the school community.

Traditionally, sick and homebound students in AACPS have relied on independent learning with the assistance of a home and hospital teacher, who typically meets with them for about six hours a week. However, this isolated learning experience often leaves students feeling disconnected from their peers, lacking opportunities for collaboration and participation in extracurricular activities.

The introduction of the Double robot from Double Robotics proved to be a game-changer for a high school student battling cancer in AACPS. According to Stephanie Kelly, the district’s senior manager for instructional technology, the robot enabled the student to interact with classmates and engage in activities that were previously inaccessible while learning at home.

Kelly emphasized the significance of the robot in facilitating students’ social and emotional well-being, making the healing process less lonely and isolated. She highlighted the importance of ensuring that homebound students feel included and connected to their school environment through innovative technology.

Pioneering the Robot Pilot Program

Mary Tillar, the district’s assistant superintendent for Advanced Studies and Programs, and Stephanie Kelly were inspired to explore the potential of telepresence robots for homebound students during a state-level meeting for assistant superintendents. Witnessing a demonstration by robotics company Double Robotics, they recognized the opportunity to revolutionize distance learning for students facing health challenges.

The Double robot features a mobile base with a tablet mounted on top, allowing users to control the device’s movement remotely. Kelly recognized the transformative impact this technology could have on AACPS and immediately arranged to bring a robot back to the district for further exploration.

Kelly and Patrick Malone, an instructional technology online specialist, conducted a pilot program at Shady Side Elementary School with a fifth-grade student in need of an advanced mathematics program. Despite physical limitations preventing the student from attending a sixth-grade math class in person, the robot enabled seamless participation and marked the success of the initial trial.

Expanding the Reach of Virtual Inclusion

Colleen Childs, responsible for managing home and hospital teaching in AACPS, identified potential candidates for utilizing the robot to enhance their learning experiences. Following discussions with Principal James Todd of Old Mill High School, plans were put in motion to connect homebound student Peter Jauschnegg with the robot.

Peter’s mother, Kathleen Jauschnegg, shared the impact of the robot on her son’s educational journey during a three-month hospital stay at Johns Hopkins Hospital. The introduction of the robot not only enabled Peter to engage with his classmates and teachers but also facilitated his academic progress in challenging courses such as Advanced Placement and Honors classes.

Marvin: A Personalized Learning Companion

Named “Marvin” after a character from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Peter’s robot quickly became an integral part of his educational experience. Malone worked closely with Peter’s teachers and counselors to ensure they were comfortable interacting with the robot and developed a deployment plan to navigate logistical challenges within the school environment.

Through innovative solutions such as minute schedule adjustments and elevator access for navigating different floors, Peter was able to seamlessly integrate the robot into his daily routine. The personalized touch of allowing Peter to control the robot’s height and movements enhanced his sense of agency and engagement in the learning process.

Overcoming Challenges and Fostering Social Connection

The successful integration of the robot into Peter’s educational journey relied on the collaborative efforts of teachers, peers, and school administrators. Peter’s friends played a crucial role in supporting the robot’s mobility and connectivity, ensuring that he could actively participate in group activities and maintain a sense of normalcy in his high school experience.

Kathleen Jauschnegg emphasized the transformative impact of the robot on Peter’s social connections and emotional well-being, noting that the robot facilitated a seamless integration of Peter into the classroom environment. By transcending the limitations of traditional video conferencing, the robot enabled Peter to engage authentically with his peers and teachers, fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity.

Empowering Student Success Through Technology

As word spread about Peter and Marvin’s success story, AACPS invested in additional robots to support more students facing similar challenges. The district’s commitment to leveraging technology for inclusive education reflects a broader ethos of prioritizing students’ individual needs and fostering a supportive learning environment for all.

Peter’s journey from hospital confinement to active participation in school activities exemplifies the transformative power of innovative technology in education. By embracing virtual inclusion and empowering students like Peter to overcome barriers to learning, AACPS is setting a precedent for inclusive education that prioritizes student well-being and academic success.

In conclusion, the integration of telepresence robots in AACPS exemplifies a commitment to personalized learning and inclusive education for all students. By harnessing the potential of technology to overcome barriers to learning, the district is paving the way for a more accessible and engaging educational experience for students facing health challenges. Through innovative initiatives like the robot pilot program, AACPS is redefining the boundaries of traditional education and championing a future where every student has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.