
Improving Literacy for All: The Necessity of Funding

In 2014, the California State Board of Education took a significant step towards enhancing literacy for all students by adopting the evidence-based and standards-driven English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework (ELA/ELD Framework). This framework, while nonbinding, serves as a guiding light for educators, encouraging the implementation of a research-informed, comprehensive literacy approach that caters to the needs of all students.

The ELA/ELD Framework stands out as the first in the nation to integrate two crucial sets of standards: English language arts, focusing on grade-level literacy for all students, and English language development, emphasizing progress in learning English for students from diverse language backgrounds. With a specific focus on English learners, the framework aims to address the unique challenges these students face in acquiring literacy skills.

Despite the groundbreaking nature of the ELA/ELD Framework, its full potential remains untapped due to a lack of adequate funding for district, school, and classroom implementation. While lawmakers allocated $85 million for professional development and family engagement in mathematics, science, and computer science, similar support for English instructional materials, professional development, coaching, and support services remains elusive. Without proper funding, the framework risks being reduced to a mere collection of good ideas, unable to effect real change in literacy outcomes.

A few districts in California have taken proactive steps to prioritize professional development and instruction aligned with the framework’s principles. Norma Carvajal Camacho, assistant superintendent of educational services for the Azusa Unified School District, attests to the transformative impact of integrating primary language instruction and effective designated and integrated English Language Development (ELD) strategies. She notes that this approach has created a more inclusive and dynamic learning environment, leading to significant improvements in language proficiency and overall achievement for English learners.

However, the majority of districts in the state continue to struggle with implementing the framework’s strategies due to the lack of essential funding. This funding gap translates to inadequate professional development for teachers, a dearth of high-quality instructional materials, and insufficient coaching and support services, hindering the framework’s potential to enhance literacy outcomes across the board.

The ELA/ELD Framework should serve as the cornerstone of any comprehensive strategy aimed at improving literacy and reading proficiency among students. By centering literacy and emphasizing the development of fluency, decoding, comprehension, and vocabulary, the framework seeks to provide a holistic approach to literacy instruction. It recognizes that literacy skills are not isolated but interconnected with other content areas, promoting an integrated learning environment where students can engage with diverse subjects through reading, writing, and discussion.

The Integrated Approach to Literacy
Key Components of the ELA/ELD Framework
Supporting English Learners Through Effective Instruction

The Integrated Approach to Literacy
Imagine a classroom where students do not view reading and writing in isolation but as integral components of their learning experience. An integrated approach to literacy instruction goes beyond teaching basic reading skills; it enables students to connect these skills with various content areas, fostering a deeper understanding of subjects such as science, history, and mathematics. By immersing students in meaningful and engaging content, the framework encourages them to read entire books, write about their learning experiences, and actively participate in discussions that enhance their comprehension and critical thinking skills.

Key Components of the ELA/ELD Framework
The ELA/ELD Framework underscores five research-based cross-cutting themes that form the basis of effective literacy instruction:
Foundational Skills: Recognizing the importance of phonics, phonemic awareness, and fluency as essential building blocks of literacy.
Meaning Making: Emphasizing critical thinking, comprehension, and vocabulary development through reading, writing, listening, and language activities.
Language Development: Focusing on nurturing oral and written language skills to effectively express information, ideas, and perspectives.
Effective Expression: Promoting various modes of communication, such as writing, discussions, and presentations, to showcase students’ understanding and knowledge.
Content Knowledge: Highlighting the interconnectedness of content, language, and literacy to enhance text comprehension and overall learning outcomes.
By integrating these components, the framework seeks to provide a comprehensive and aligned approach to literacy instruction, ensuring that students receive the necessary support to develop their reading and writing skills effectively.

Supporting English Learners Through Effective Instruction
In a state as diverse as California, where students speak over 140 different languages at home, the ELA/ELD Framework recognizes the value of cultural diversity, multilingualism, and biliteracy as assets to be celebrated. The framework emphasizes the importance of providing English learners with both integrated and designated English language development instruction to support their language acquisition and literacy skills.

Without designated instruction tailored to the needs of English learners, the challenges of learning to read in English become significantly more daunting. From understanding the sounds and syntax of the English language to comprehending vocabulary in context, English learners face unique obstacles that require targeted instruction and support. The framework’s guidance on curriculum and instructional planning underscores the necessity of integrating English language development throughout the school day in all subject areas to address the linguistic demands English learners encounter across the curriculum.

In addition to the ELA/ELD Framework, other initiatives such as the Literacy Roadmap and the Literacy Standard and Teaching Performance Expectations for teacher candidates play a vital role in supporting effective literacy instruction. These efforts align with the framework’s principles and aim to provide educators with the tools and resources necessary to implement high-quality literacy instruction in their classrooms.

The ELA/ELD Framework represents a groundbreaking initiative aimed at improving literacy outcomes for all students, particularly English learners. However, without adequate funding and support for its implementation, the framework’s potential to transform literacy instruction remains unrealized. To truly prioritize literacy and reading proficiency in California schools, policymakers must recognize the critical need for funding and commit to supporting the full implementation of the ELA/ELD Framework. By investing in comprehensive literacy instruction, we can empower students to develop the essential skills they need to succeed academically and beyond.