
**Reimagining Learning Spaces: 3 Innovative Approaches**

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, schools are moving away from traditional instructional methods and physical environments. Education leaders are now exploring how a combination of blended learning and redesigned learning spaces can enhance student engagement and achievement.

**The Impact of Redesigned Physical Learning Spaces**

Redesigning physical learning spaces can have a profound impact on student learning. By creating brain-friendly environments, schools can motivate students to become more engaged in their studies. Flexible learning spaces offer modern learning experiences that cater to various needs, including small-group collaboration, large-group instruction, and individual study or review.

A recent whitepaper by Evergreen Education Group and Fuel Education delves into the innovative approaches taken by three schools that have successfully redesigned their learning spaces to promote student and teacher success.

**Common Characteristics Among Successful Programs**

Researchers identified three common characteristics shared by the schools featured in the whitepaper:

1. **Innovative Leadership:** The leaders and teachers at these schools are willing to challenge traditional notions of schooling and explore new practices that best serve their students.

2. **Embracing Online Curriculum:** By incorporating online curriculum, teachers are liberated from being the primary source of instruction. This freedom allows for the implementation of alternative teaching methods such as team teaching, block scheduling, personalized learning, and project-based learning.

3. **Adopting a Growth Mindset:** Each school embraces change as a continuous process. By fostering a growth mindset, schools can overcome initial challenges and reap the rewards of blended learning.

**Poudre School District Global Academy: Redefining the School Day Schedule**

Poudre School District Global Academy prioritizes creative use of the school day schedule to enhance student performance. After observing that students who had face-to-face interactions with teachers performed better in online courses, the school made these interactions mandatory. Students at the elementary, middle, and high school levels alternate between on-campus and at-home days. The school’s approach has yielded impressive results, with students surpassing average growth in math and reading assessments.

Interim Principal Cheryl Fenlason believes that the school’s model offers the best of both worlds, allowing students to develop independence and essential life skills for post-high school success. Teachers at Poudre School District Global Academy are more enthusiastic, prepared, and intentional in their instruction, leveraging data to inform their teaching strategies.

**Springs Studio for Academic Excellence: A Modular Approach to Learning**

Springs Studio for Academic Excellence stands out for its creative use of space and innovative blend of online, blended, and project-based learning. The school transformed a single-story warehouse into a modular setting that can be easily reconfigured for diverse learning needs. With areas designated for large- and small-group activities, an art studio, science labs, and independent study zones, the school provides a conducive environment for student success.

Principal Jodi Fletcher emphasizes the importance of a comfortable and supportive learning environment that fosters relationships and personalized learning. The school’s high re-enrollment rate and students’ consistently outperforming state averages in English Language Arts underscore the effectiveness of its approach.

**Bend-La Pine Schools’ Summit High School: Empowering Educators and Students**

Summit High School underwent a transformation from a traditional school to an innovative blended learning program by implementing small yet impactful changes. Educators have the flexibility to reconfigure learning spaces to accommodate larger flex labs and smaller group instruction areas. Students can choose between in-class instruction and online courses, which has boosted their interest in learning topics and honed their time management skills.

Principal Dr. Alice DeWittie highlights the school’s commitment to empowering teachers to use space and time in ways that best serve instructional needs. By allowing teachers autonomy in designing their learning environments, Summit High School has created a dynamic and engaging educational experience for students.

As schools continue to reimagine learning spaces and embrace blended learning models, the possibilities for enhancing student engagement and achievement are limitless. By fostering innovative approaches and leveraging technology, education leaders can create environments that inspire learning, collaboration, and success among students and educators alike.