
Embracing New Opportunities in College

As a college student, it can be easy to fall into a routine of taking classes within your major and sticking to what feels comfortable. However, stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new experiences can lead to personal growth, increased confidence, and a more enriching college experience.

Ally Valiente, a news writing and editing major at Sonoma State University, shares her journey of overcoming self-doubt and venturing into the world of radio hosting at the university’s student-run radio station, KSUN. Initially hesitant about trying something outside of her “area of expertise,” Ally ultimately found that taking the leap into the unknown was well worth it.

Exploring New Horizons

Many college campuses offer a variety of opportunities for students to explore interests beyond their majors. Whether it’s joining a sorority, taking an art class, or participating in a student organization, stepping out of your comfort zone can open doors to new experiences and skills.

Jalen Jenkins, the general manager of KSUN radio, initially took a radio course to fulfill an elective requirement. Despite his limited knowledge of radio, Jalen found himself drawn to the medium and has since found fulfillment in the collaborative work and creativity involved in running the station.

Similarly, Daniel Oliva, a television, film, and media studies major, decided to take an introduction to digital art course to fulfill a requirement during his senior year. Despite feeling unsure about his artistic abilities, Daniel embraced the challenge and discovered a newfound passion for digital art and design.

Growth Through New Experiences

Venturing outside of your comfort zone can be a daunting prospect, but the rewards of personal growth and self-discovery are invaluable. Marivella Torres, a communications major at Sonoma State University, shares her experience of joining a sorority and overcoming initial apprehensions.

Through her involvement in the sorority, Marivella has learned valuable leadership skills, teamwork, and the importance of effective communication. By pushing herself to try something new, Marivella has expanded her horizons and gained a deeper understanding of her own capabilities.

Embracing the Unknown

Ally Valiente’s journey into radio hosting serves as a testament to the power of stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new opportunities. By challenging herself to try something unfamiliar, Ally has not only expanded her skillset but has also gained confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

As college students, it’s important to remember that growth often occurs outside of our comfort zones. By pushing ourselves to explore new interests, take risks, and embrace the unknown, we can discover hidden talents, forge new connections, and create lasting memories that enrich our college experience.