
The shift towards online delivery of courses has become crucial in today’s digital age, especially with the ongoing global pandemic affecting traditional learning environments. With the rapid transformation of teaching and learning processes, it is essential to have a structured approach to ensure the integrity and quality standards of online course delivery are maintained.

eLearning Course Management And Delivery Made Easy!
In the realm of digital transformation consulting, the need for colleges to quickly transition to online delivery has become more urgent than ever. Many educational institutions that had little to no digital experience have had to adapt at the “speed of light” to ensure continuity in education. However, this rapid shift has raised concerns among skeptics, particularly within teaching and course management teams, about maintaining quality standards throughout the change process.

The main goal of this article is to provide a comprehensive 5-step guide to managing online courses effectively. By following a templated approach, colleges can ensure that the operational standards are upheld, and quality controls are in place to monitor all educational processes during the digital transformation.

The online delivery mode brings with it new technologies and processes, but it is equally responsible for achieving the same teaching and learning outcomes as traditional classroom-based methods. Templating operational and delivery processes is key to facilitating a smooth transition to online delivery, ensuring clarity for educators and support staff on their tasks, and enabling managers to monitor compliance through checklists and templates.

The 5-Step Templated Process For Online Course Delivery And Management

Step 1: Designing Course Maps
During the initial step of the templated approach, it is essential to create course maps that outline the objectives of the course and break them down into clusters. This breakdown helps group related tasks together, making it easier to organize the content into logical modules and sections. Each module should list deliverables such as quizzes, assessments, and video content to ensure a structured approach to course design.

Step 2: Assigning Content Delivery Tools
Once the course map is established, the next step is to select and assign content delivery tools that align with the Learning Management System (LMS) being used. The choice of tools should consider the user-friendliness for the specific user cohort, empowering more members of the delivery team to contribute to content management and development. Selecting the right tools is crucial for ensuring effective delivery support throughout the online course.

Step 3: Preparing Course Map-Matching Templates And Checklists
In this step, the actual process management templates are created to ensure that all activities for relevant processes are completed. Each template should include a comprehensive list of tasks for instructors to check off upon completion. This approach not only ensures that critical tasks are completed but also enhances traceability for managers overseeing the online course delivery process.

Step 4: Testing And Optimizing The Templates And Checklists
Testing the templates and collecting feedback from users is essential for refining the initial drafts and ensuring that all delivery and support processes are accounted for. Through testing, any overlooked tasks can be identified and added to the process maps, improving the overall efficiency of the online course delivery process.

Step 5: Implementation Of Template Management And Feedback Systems
The final step involves establishing a system for recording and storing data, as well as creating a feedback loop between workers and management. This system ensures that online delivery remains under control and saves time by providing easy access to records of workplace activities. By implementing template management and feedback systems, colleges can monitor the online course delivery process effectively and address any discrepancies promptly.

In conclusion, the templated approach to managing online courses offers a structured and efficient way to ensure quality and integrity in course delivery. By following the 5-step process outlined above, colleges can navigate the digital transformation of teaching and learning with confidence, maintaining operational standards and quality controls throughout the transition. Through effective templating and monitoring, online course delivery can be successfully implemented across various disciplines, providing a seamless learning experience for students and educators alike.